The holidays are coming! And this year experts predict more than ever, items of high value will be purchased. Giving and receiving such gifts are a large part of the holiday fun. But how can we be sure that these items are protected should you experience damage to your home, or theft? Home owners insurance does cover valuable items, even though your insurance company may try to deny such claims. Don’t be outwitted by them. You have a right to coverage. But let’s make this easier for you by getting you prepared in advance to ensure these new holiday gifts are properly protected.
Review Your Policy
Reach out to your insurance company. Understand what your policy covers and if there are any amount limitations for valuables in particular. Insurance companies and their policies will have different limits for valuables in particular. Your standard policy should cover your valuables, such as jewelry, in the event of losses caused by peril including theft, fire and storms. However there may be a limit to that coverage, which is typically around $1500 USD. You could increase the limit of liability with you insurance company, or also seek out additional coverage through the provider of the goods.
Get An Appraisal
We highly recommend getting your items of great value appraised. This is not only good for you to understand their value, but will help protect them in times of need. You will also know whether or not you have to increase your coverage to ensure they will be covered should anything happen. Consider doing this every few years, especially for those items that may depreciate over time.
Create An Inventory Catalog
Whether creating a hard catalog or a digital one, this is something we recommend. It will come in handy in the time of crisis. Today, creating a digital inventory catalog is easier than ever. Be sure to include an image or video, a description with the value, and if you have it - the scanned receipt. Save to a Google Drive or Cloud drive.
Hire A Public Adjuster
Call in the professionals. When damage or theft strikes, hiring a public adjuster to manage your claim from beginning to end will ensure you get the most money back. A pubic adjuster is someone that works for you, not the insurance company. They are experts in working with insurance companies, filing claims, and getting through all of the red tape and hoops insurance companies are notorious for making you go through, to get your rightful money. Plus they don’t get paid unless you do!
Here is a list of items typically covered by insurance companies:
China, silverware
Sporting equipment
Stamp collections